yum install mockshould do it. Then, you must add your user to the mock group, since mock requires root permissions - for chroot and such.
root@localhost$ usermode -aG mock [your-user]Now you are ready to experience the power of MOCK. Its configuration files are in /etc/mock/ (surprise surprise). There is a global confguration file - /etc/mock/site-defaults.cfg , and there are the distro configuration files - like epel-5-i386.cfg, epel-5-x86_64.cfg - each containing the distro specific configurations. The global configuration variables ( /etc/mock/site-defaults.cfg ) cant be overwritten in each of the config files. The options I find most useful are
#This uses the pigz instead of gzip #Pigz is way faster on multi-core systems (uses parallel processing) with zipping/unzipping #You should yum install it if it is not already installed config_opts['plugin_conf']['root_cache_opts']['compress_program'] = "pigz" # bind mount plugin is enabled by default but has no configured directories to mount #It is used to bind mount a directory in your direcotry tree to MOCK's chroot #They are specified in ("root_dir","chroot_dir") tuples, using python "append" list method ( For PythonProgrammers: extend, insert and other list methods should also work) config_opts['plugin_conf']['bind_mount_enable'] = True config_opts['plugin_conf']['bind_mount_opts']['dirs'].append(('/opt/intel', '/opt/intel' )) #This should mount /var/lib/mock/ in your ramdisk, but for some reason, #this does not work for men, so a workaround is presented* #config_opts['plugin_conf']['tmpfs_enable'] = True #config_opts['plugin_conf']['tmpfs_opts']['required_ram_mb'] = 16384 #config_opts['plugin_conf']['tmpfs_opts']['max_fs_size'] = '8192m'*Workaround for TMPFS Add this to /etc/fstab
mock_root /var/lib/mock/ tmpfs uid=0,gid=395,mode=02775 0 0 # Gid should be the GID of the MOCK groupAnd
mount -aUsing mock is fairly simple:
Build SRPM
mock -r epel-5-x86_64 --buildsrpm --sources="build_source.tar.bz" --spec "build_spec.spec" --resultdir="$HOME/mock/output/" --no-cleanup-after-r - specifies the build distro and architecture
--buildsrpms - tells mock it should build SOURCE RPM
--spec - the spec file mock should use when building the script
--resultdir - where the output and logs of mock execution will be put
--no-cleanup-after - tells mock it should not delete its chroot when finished (good for debbugging)
Build RPM from SRPM
mock -r epel-5-x86_64 --no-clean --rebuild "/home/[user]/mock/output/*.src.rpms" --resultdir="$HOME/mock/output/" --no-cleanup-after--noclean - tells mock not to clean up the chroot env before building ( clean means *delete* and *rebuild*)
Install package to chroot from outside chroot
This is the only way since the chroot does not have its own YUM. If you want tomock -r epel-5-x86_64 --install compat-libstdc++-33.x86_64 man --resultdir="$HOME/mock/output/"--install - this will install packages specified inside MOCK chroot
Copy files inside chroot
mock -r epel-5-x86_64 --copyin /tmp/stuff --resultdir="$HOME/mock/output/"--copyin - copies files inside the MOCK chroot, use this only when mount bind is not possible
Initialize chroot without building anything
mock -r epel-5-x86_64 --init --resultdir="$HOME/mock/output/"
Clean/Remove chroot
mock -r epel-5-x86_64 --clean --resultdir="$HOME/mock/output/"
Open a shell in the chroot
mock -r epel-5-x86_64 --shell --resultdir="$HOME/mock/output/"NB! Without --resultdir all mock commands fail
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